Professional, personal, committed
Our team provides professional care for your health. It’s important to us that you feel safe and well for your recovery. That is why we include your personal needs in our treatment. You are in good hands with our committed doctors and care team.
We offer consultation in the following languages: DE, ENG, ITA, FRA, ESP, NL.

Dr. med. Simone Deyle
Specialist for Surgery FMH,
Specialisation in Phlebology USGG
Languages: DE, ITA, ENG, FRA, ESP
Following my general studies in vascular surgery, I have dedicated a good 10 years to my greatest passion, phlebology. With this specialisation I was able to gain a great amount of experience in treating vein problems that will benefit all of our patients.
I strive to provide medical consultation at the highest level and to take the time to consider my patients’ individual needs in their treatment. The cosmetic result is of utmost importance here as well. My day to day work demonstrates compassion, attention to detail, precision and an untiring commitment.
With the opening of the Vein Centre Zug in 2018 I was able to realise my vision of specialised and holistic treatment in a relaxed and modern environment with dependable partners, just as I had always envisioned.

Dr. med. Christine Grigelat
Specialist for Surgery FMH,
Specialisation in Vascular Surgery EBSQ
Languages: DE, ITA, FRA, ENG
My work as a vascular surgeon gives me something new every day and is one of my biggest passions. The special thing about this field is that the treatment of venous and arterial diseases requires a high degree of precision and a great deal of commitment. That has the highest priority for me, in order to provide each patient with the exactly right treatment that takes their individual needs into account.
My many years of experience in general surgery and the networking with our colleagues from other fields are the crucial foundations for comprehensive treatment. My day is a success if the patient feels well informed and well taken care of.

Prof. Dr. med. Holger Engel
Specialist for Plastic, Reconstructive and
Cosmetic Surgery, Hand Surgery, FACS
Languages: DE, ENG
For me, I’ve had a successful day at work when I can conduct the medical consultation and treatment at a level that meets my own expectations. I see myself as a consultant and person of confidence to my patients. A quality consultation requires time, which I can gladly spend. My main concerns at work are openness, authenticity and empathy to my patients.
Since obtaining my doctorate, I have been fascinated by microsurgery and transplant medicine. I consider myself to be quite lucky to have learned from the great masters of plastic surgery at work and during my training.

Prof. Dr. med. Goetz Andreas Giessler
Specialist in plastic and aesthetic surgery, additional qualification in hand surgery FEBOPRAS
Languages: DE, ENG
Prof. Dr. med. Giessler is one of the most widely trained plastic surgeons in Europe. He has German and European specialist recognition and is also fully authorized to provide further training in plastic and aesthetic surgery and hand surgery. His many years of training and further education are based on various research and clinical scholarships and fellowshipsincluding the Mayo Clinic, Johns Hopkins University and Harvard.
In my job, I dedicate my whole heart and my technical skills to finding tailor-made solutions for the aesthetic and reconstructive wishes of my patients. You can expect from me in-depth knowledge, precise surgical technique and secure aesthetic understanding with honest information. As a pilot and long-time mountain rescue doctor, openness and communication in a team are extremely important to me and I practice this intensively with my patients.
Prof. Dr. med. Goetz Andreas Giessler
Facharzt für Plastische und Ästhetische Chirurgie, Zusatzbezeichnung Handchirurgie, FEBOPRAS
Sprachen: DE, ENG
Prof. Dr. med. Giessler ist einer der am breitesten ausgebildeten Plastischen Chirurgen Europas. Er besitzt die deutsche und europäische Facharztanerkennung und zudem die volle Weiterbildungsermächtigung in Plastischer- und Ästhetischer Chirurgie und Handchirurgie. Seine langjährige Aus- und Weiterbildung basiert auf diversen Forschungs- und klinischen Stipendien und Fellowships unter anderem an der Mayo Clinic, Johns Hopkins University und Harvard. Er ist zudem eingeladenes Mitglied des Alpine Workshops of Plastic Surgery und Mitglied vieler nationaler und internationaler Fachgesellschaften.
In meinem Beruf widme ich mich mit meinem ganzem Herzen und meinem technischen Können der massgeschneiderten Lösung für die ästhetischen und rekonstruktiven Wünsche meiner Patienten. Sie können von mir ein fundiertes Wissen, eine präzise chirurgische Technik und sicheres ästhetisches Verständnis bei ehrlicher Aufklärung erwarten. Als Pilot und langjähriger Bergrettungsarzt sind mir Offenheit und Kommunikation in einem Team extrem wichtig und lebe dies auch intensiv gegenüber meinen Patienten.

Dr. med. Tina Deissler
Specialist in general internal medicine FMH
Practice management/QM
Languages: DE, ENG
As an experienced physician, I bring not only medical expertise but also comprehensive experience in practice and quality management.
Through my years of practice, I have learned the importance of not only providing medical treatment but also ensuring that our practice is run efficiently and with a patient-centered approach.
Your health and satisfaction are of utmost importance to me, and I am committed to ensuring that you feel cared for in our practice and receive the best possible care.

Dr. med. Petra Voglauer
Specialist in anesthesia FMH
Emergency doctor SGNOR
Languages: DE, ENG
Anesthesia is a matter of trust.
I appreciate your trust. My aim is to accompany you through the operation and the associated anesthesia with maximum safety and the greatest possible comfort.
I am supported by a competent team of doctors and nursing staff at Anesthesia Zug and my many years of experience in clinical and outpatient settings.
We do anesthesia the way we as patients would like to experience it ourselves.

Bea Huser
Medical practical assistant, Medical secretary

Iris Bütler
Medical practical assistant

Daniela Nussbaumer
Expert for
Emergency care

Selina Graf
Medical secretary

Concetta Arlotto
Practice employee

Nina Müller
Technical Operation specialist HF

Fabienne Bolt
Technical operations specialist HF

Stephan Läderach
Personal coach for nutrition and fitness

Andreas Schimanski
Specialist in anesthesia care

Sofia Dominguez
Derma - pigmentologist
Dipl. med. beautician EFZ
Specialist oncological micropigmentation
Scar treatment specialist